Friday, August 27, 2010



gotta be on the up and up!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


adjective/ in abundance; in plentiful amounts

so im finally in new york. who's excited?? its absolutely thrilling. every second so far. i feel refreshed, extremely motivated, inspired, alive and ready to get moving on this new year. minus the 8.875% sales tax, i can honestly say i love this city so far. its been awhile since ive posted but i found a short vid today that motivated me to wanna do something so maybe it might do the same for someone else? so this guy, a D.C native, is about my age and making headway. i hope that one day ill make it to the summit series (or something like it) with the business i start in the next 5 years

Thursday, August 19, 2010


verb/ to talk with extravagant enthusiasm

so i cant even say we can call it a countdown anymore, im leaving to nyc the day after tomorrow. and although it doesnt feel heart feels it everyday more and more. its about to explode. im ready to be inspired, to be creative, to meet new people and soak up everything [positive] so i can get on my grizzle and jump into this field.

i was looking thru some internships and found a tad of inspiration so im posting it now before i forget. then its back to the least exciting part of this pivotal point in my life - packing.


Kelli Mills from from Stylelikeu on Vimeo.

Ariel Adkins for from Stylelikeu on Vimeo.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

we'z just a week away

of course i have to share...a couple days ago andre 3000 released a new single called 'i do'...ive kinda been playin it non-stop so i had to share.

or head to for the song

one of my favorite lines: 'nothings more attractive than a heavy praying woman/ im here save me dont bail' - i so dig it. the lazer version...cant wait for whatever his next project is


a lil hometown glory for yall to enjoy

p.s this time next week ill be in nyc = !!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

creator of authenticity

"there's people that recreate authenticity and there's creators of authenticity. some people only have that weak will to only wanna repeat it. "

i need to SURROUND myself with inspiration. everyday im feelin the adrenaline more and more. im about to live my dream. thats sh** is wild. no more sap emoting posts. sorry guys. i got a laundry list of shit that needs to get done. and soon.

so i have officially added to my list of things to do this year:

154. take 9th wonder's class SamplingSoul at Duke University (my sister is currently enrolled @Duke)

+sometimes you have to think of the difference you're going to make before you actually make it.

funny how the simplest activities (not even having to be around people)...just soaking in life will make you put things in perspective, and help you realize that you have something you've been wishing for for so long.


p.s: 1985nectar is now playing cee lo's mixtape 'stray bullets' -- repeated eargasms

signing off
1985nectar shawty

Sunday, August 1, 2010


verb/ to forecast or predict (something future) from present indications or signs.

i finally got the a lightblb went off.
first in church. then in the car with my fam.
and thank Gawddddd (God -really tho.. emphasis on God)

im freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

(i dont kno how shedding some serious baggage works but hopefully this lasts)